Scheduled Caste Yojana Esamaj Kalyan: Only Scheduled Caste Persons are eligible for the Esamaj Kalyan Gujarat Credit Scheme 2023. Gujarat Scheduled Caste Development Corporation has begun form-filling of the scheme for the purchase of thrillers or for providing credit for self-employment with the last date of the online application being 31/07/2023. The information about this scheme in all groups will be distributed. More details regarding the Scheduled Caste Yojana are provided on this page, followed step by step.
Step-by-Step Application Procedure
To continue with the Scheduled Caste Yojana Gujarat E-Samaj Kalyan registration process, applicants must follow the below steps:
1. Visit the official e-Samaj Kalyan website –
2. As a first-time user, click on ‘Please Register Here’.
3. On clicking the registration link, a new page will open.
4. Fill in the details like name, gender, aadhaar card number, caste, DOB, and others and click Register.
Important Link
Official Website: Click Here
5. For NGO users, click the registration link beside the NGO option.
6. Fill in the required details and click on ‘Register’.
7. Once the registration process is completed, log in to the Scheduled Caste Yojana E-Samaj Kalyan Gujarat portal using the user ID, password, and CAPTCHA code.
8. After successful login to the E-Samaj Kalyan page, applicants can select the scheme and apply online.
E-Samaj Kalyan 2023 – How to Track SJED Registration?
To know the SJED Scheme application status, applicants must follow the below-mentioned steps:
1. Visit the E-Samaj Kalyan portal –
2. Scroll down the page and click on the Know Your Application Status link
3. Enter the application number, Date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format, and track the SJED Schemes Application Status by hitting the Submit tab.
Helpline E-Samaj Kalyan 2023
For any kind of technical assistance, applicants can contact the helpline line number 06355731809 from 10:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M.