SSC Recruitment 2022 : Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has published the notification for recruitment for the post of Scientific Asst Posts There are a total of 990 Vacancy in SSC Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online for 990 Scientific Asst (Indian Meteorological Department) Posts has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2022. Other Details like No.Of Posts, Educational Qualification, Age Limit, Selection Process, Application fee and How to Apply are given below. Must Read Official Advertisement than Apply for this Post.

SSC Recruitment 2022 : Short Details
- Job Recruitment Board:- Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
- Official Website:-
- Name Of Posts:- Scientific Asst
- Total Posts:- 990
- Types of Jobs:- Govt Jobs
- Job Category:- SSC Jobs
- Application Mode:- Online
- Job Location:- All Over India
Posts Details
- Scientific Asst - 990 Posts
Eligibility Criteria For SSC Recruitment 2022
Education Qualification
- Bachelor’s Degree in Science (with Physics as one of the subject)/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Computer Applications
- Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from a recognized Institution/ University or equivalent.
- Note: The candidates who have appeared in their final year of their graduation can also apply, however they must possess Essential qualification on or before the last date.
Salary/ Pay scale
Selected candidates will be working as Scientific Assistant in India Meteorological Department (IMD) Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post, in the Level 6 of the Pay Matrix.
- Earlier Pay Band – Rs.9,300- Rs.34,800
- Revised Pay Band – Rs.35,400
- Gross Salary – Rs.48,912/-
Age Limits
- Aspirants who are interested in applying for the IMD Scientific Assistant Notification 2022 should not be exceeding 30 years as on 18th October 2022. And must have been born not earlier than 19th October 1992 and not later than 17th October 2004.
Application Fee
- Candidates should pay an application fee of Rs.100/-
- Women candidates and candidates belonging to SC, ST, PWBD, ESM are exempted from payment.
- Payment Mode (Online):Through Online Mode
Selection Process
- A competitive examination will be conducted to select the aspirants for the Scientific Assistant Position.
Important Dates
- Date for submission of online applications: 30-09-2022
- Last date for receipt of application: 18-10-2022
- Last date for making online fee payment: 20-10-2022
- Last date for generation of offline Challan: 20-10-2022
- Correction Date: 25 October 2022
- Date of Computer Based Examination: Dec-2022
Important Links
- Download Official Notification : Click Here
- Apply Online | More Details : Click Here
How to Apply For SSC Recruitment 2022?
Step-1: Eligible and interested Applicants/Candidates shall be required to “Apply Online” only in the format available on the official Website (More Details: Please Read Official Advertisement)
Step-2: Apply Website :
Step-3: Visit the Staff Selection Commission official website “”.
Step-4: Check the full notification.
Step-5: Candidates need to fill in their Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Residential Address, and more.
Step-6: Attach photograph, signature, or other required documents.
Step-7: Pay the application fee.
Step-8: You must take the printout of the submitted online form and fee receipt.
Part-I (One-Time Registration)
1. Read the instructions given in the Notice of Examination carefully before filling up the online 'Registration Form' and ‘Application Form’.
2. Before proceeding with One-Time Registration, keep the following information/documents ready:
a. Mobile Number (to be verified through OTP)
b. Email ID (to be verified through OTP).
c. Aadhaar Number. If Aadhaar Number is not available, please give one of the following ID Numbers. (You will be required to show the original document at
a later stage):
i. Voter ID Card
ii. PAN
iii. Passport
iv. Driving License
v. School/ College ID
vi. Employer ID (Govt./ PSU/ Private)
d. Information about the Board, Roll Number and Year of Passing the Matriculation (10 th ) Examination.
e. Disability Certificate Number, if you are a person with benchmark disability.
3. For One-Time Registration, click on ‘Register Now’ link provided in ‘Login’ Section on
4. One-Time Registration process requires filling up of following information:
a. Basic details
b. Additional and contact details
c. Declaration.
5. For filling up the ‘One-Time Registration Form’, please follow the following steps:
a. Few critical details (e.g. Aadhaar Number, name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth etc.) are required to be entered twice, in the relevant columns of the Registration Form to avoid any inadvertent mistakes in filling up of the form. If there is mismatch between the original and verify data columns, it will not be accepted and an indication to this effect will be given in red text.
b. S No-1, provide information about Aadhaar Number/ Identity Card and its Number. Any one of these Numbers is required to be given.
c. S No-2: Fill your name exactly as given in Matriculation (10 th Class) Certificate. In case, you have made any changes in your name after matriculation, indicate the same at S No-2c and 2d.
d. S No-3: Fill your father’s name exactly as given in Matriculation (10 th Class) Certificate.
e. S No-4: Fill your mother’s name exactly as given in Matriculation (10 th Class) Certificate.
f. S No-5: Fill your date of birth exactly as given in Matriculation (10 th Class) Certificate.
g. S No-6: Matriculation (10 th Class) Examination Details which include:
i. Name of Education Board
ii. Roll Number
iii. Year of passing
h. S No-7: Gender
i. S No-8: Level of Educational Qualification (highest).
j. S No-9: Your Mobile Number which must be a working mobile number as it will be verified through ‘One Time Password’ (OTP). It may be noted that any information which the Commission may like to communicate with you, will be sent on this mobile number only. Your mobile number will also be used for retrieval of password, if required.
k. S No-10: Your Email ID which must be a working Email ID as it will be verified through OTP. It may also be noted that any information which the Commission may like to communicate with you, will be sent on this Email ID only. Your Email ID will also be used for retrieval of password/ Registration Number, if required.
l. Provide detail of State/ UT of your Permanent Address. m. When the Basic Details provided at S No-1 to 10 are saved, you will be required to confirm your mobile number and email ID. On confirmation, your data will be saved and your Registration Number will be displayed on the screen. Your Registration Number and Password will be provided to you on your mobile number and Email ID
.n. You have to complete the Registration Process within 14 days failing which your Registration Details saved so far will be deleted.
o. Login using your Registration Number as username and auto generated password provided to you on your mobile and email. Change your password,when prompted on first login.
p. After successful password change, you need to login again using your Registration Number and changed password.
q. On successful login, information about the ‘Basic Details’ so far filled by you will be displayed. You may edit it, if required or proceed further by clicking on ‘Next’ button at the bottom to complete your one-time Registration.
r. S No-11: Provide information about your Category.
s. S No-12: Provide information about your Nationality
t. S No-13: Provide information about visible Identification Mark. You may be
required to show the above Identification Mark at various stages of examination.
u. S No-14: Provide information about benchmark disabilities, if any. If you are suffering from any specific benchmark disability identified suitable for government jobs, then provide Disability Certification Number.
v. S No: 15 to 18: Provide information about your Permanent and Present Address. Save the data and proceed further to the last Part of the Registration Process.
w. Save the information provided. Take draft printout and review the information filled in the Registration Form carefully, before ‘Final Submit’.
x. Read the ‘Declaration’ carefully, if you agree with the declaration, click ‘I Agree’.
y. Upon clicking ‘Final Submit’ different OTPs will be sent on your mobile number and Email ID. You need to enter one of the two OTPs at designated field to complete the Registration Process.
6. Though you can edit/ modify your One-time Registration data, you must be very cautious while filling up details in the One-time Registration. Wrong/ incorrect information may lead to cancellation of your candidature.
8. After submission of Basic information, if the registration process is not completed within 14 days, your data will be deleted from the system.

Part-II (Online Application Form)