SSC JE Recruitment 2022 Apply For Junior Engineer Posts : Staff Selection Commission has released notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineer on Candidates can check the exam details, application dates, eligibility, selection process and application process here.
SSC JE Recruitment Notification 2022: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is looking for Diploma and Graduate Engineers who can join as Junior Engineer (JE) for central government departments. Candidates from across the country can apply for SSC JE 2022. They are required to fill the SSC JE Application Form online on The last date for filling the application is 02 September 2022.
The vacancies will be filled for various discipline including Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Quantity Surveying & Contracts disciplines. Interested candidates can check SSC JE Application Link and Notification below.

Vacancies will be notified for the SSC JE 2022 in due course of time. The updated vacancy position will be uploaded on the website of the Commission ( >Candidate’s Corner > Tentative Vacancy). The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of a computer-based exam which is scheduled to be held in the month of November 2022. More details on SSC JE Vacancy 2022 such as the selection process, exam details, application process are given below:
SSC JE 2022 Eligibility Criteria
Name of the Department | Qualification | Age Limit |
JE Civil, Central Water Commission | B.E/B.Tech or Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution. | 32 years |
JE Mechanical, Central Water Commission | B.E/B.Tech or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution. | 32 years |
JE Civil, CPWD | Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute. | 32 years |
JE Electrical, CPWD | Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute. | 32 years |
JE Civil, MES, Border Roads Organization, Ministry of Defence | Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University Or (a) Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institute or University or Board; and (b) Two years experience in Planning, Execution and Maintenance of Civil Engineering works. | 30 years |
JE Mechanical Central Water Power Research Station | Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Civil Central Water Power Research Station | Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Electrical Central Water Power Research Station | Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Electrical & Mechanical), Border Roads Organization, Ministry of Defence | Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute; or Three years Diploma in Electrical/ Automobile/ Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board; and (b) Two years experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Electrical or Mechanical Engineering works | 30 years |
JE Mechanical, Directorate of Quality Assurance, (Naval) and MES | Degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institute; or Three years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution plus Two years experience in the respective field. | 30 years |
JE Electrical, Directorate of Quality Assurance, (Naval) and MES | Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University; or Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution plus Two years experience in the respective field. | 30 years |
JE Civil Farakka Barrage Project. | Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Electrical Farakka Barrage Project. | Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Mechanical Farakka Barrage Project. | Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Civil National Technical Research Organization. | Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Electrical National Technical Research Organization. | Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Mechanical National Technical Research Organization. | Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Civil Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works) | Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Electrical Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works) | Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Mechanical Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works) | Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or Board. | 30 years |
JE Civil MES | Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institute; or Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution plus Two years experience in Planning, Execution and Maintenance of Civil Engineering works. | 30 years |
SSC JE Salary 2022:
- Rs 35400/- To Rs. 112400/-
SSC JE 2022 Selection Process
There will be three rounds:
- Paper 1 - Computer Based Objective Type Test
- Paper 2 - Conventional Type Written Examination
- Document Verification (DV)
SSC JE Exam Pattern 2022
SSC JE Paper 1 Exam Pattern 2022
- There will be 50 questions on each General Intelligence & Reasoning and General Awareness and 100 questions on General Engineering
- The total marks of the exam are 200
- Candidates will be 2 hours
- There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks
SSC JE Paper 2 Exam Pattern
- Now, there will be a single paper on General Engineering with 300 questions to be done in 2 hours.
SSC JE Admit Card 2022
- Applicants will be required to download the admit card from the official website of SSC Regions i.e. NR, SR, ER, WR, KKR, NER, NWR, MPR, and CR.
SSC JE Result 2022
- The result for each stage will be uploaded on the official website of the commission in a PDF format.
Application Fee
- General and OBC - Rs 100/-
- Women /SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen - No Fee
Steps to Apply for SSC JE Recruitment 2022 ?
- Go to official website of SSC i.e. and register yourself
- After registration, login into the website and click on online application link
- Fill up your details
- Upload the documents
- Pay application fee
- Submit the application Form
SSC JE Important Dates 2022
SSC JE 2022 Notification Date | 12 August 2022 |
SSC JE 2022 Registration Starting Date | 12 August 2022 |
SSC JE 2022 Registration End Date | 02 September 2022 |
SSC JE 2022 offline Challan Last Date | 02 September 2022 |
SSC JE 2022 online fee payment last date | 03 September 2022 |
SSC JE 2022 Last Date for payment through Challan | 03 September 2022 |
SSC JE 2022 Application Edit Date | 04 September 2022 |
SSC JE Exam Date 2022 | November 2022 |
SSC JE Result Date 2022 | to be announced |
Important Links
SSC JE Notification Download 2022
SSC JE Online Application Link
Part-I (One-Time Registration)
- Please read the instructions given in the Notice of Examination carefully before filling up the online 'Registration Form' and ‘Application Form’.
- Before proceeding with One-Time Registration, keep the following information/ documents ready:
- Mobile Number (to be verified through OTP)
- Email ID (to be verified through OTP).
- Aadhaar Number. If Aadhaar Number is not available, please give one of the following ID Numbers. (You will be required to show the original document at a later stage):
- Voter ID Card
- Passport
- Driving License
- School/College ID
- Employer ID (Govt./PSU/Private)
- Information about the Board, Roll Number and Year of Passing the
- Matriculation (10th) Examination.
- Disability Certificate Number, if you are a Person with Disability.
- For One-Time Registration, click on ‘Register Now’ link provided in ‘Login’ Section on
- One-Time Registration process requires filling up of following
- information:
- Basic details
- Additional and contact details
- Declaration.
For filling up the ‘One-Time Registration Form’, please follow the following steps:
- A few critical details (e.g. Aadhaar Number, Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Date of Birth etc) are required to be entered twice, in the relevant columns of the Registration Form, for verification purpose and to avoid any mistakes. If there is mismatch between original and verify data column, it will not be accepted and an indication will be given in red text.
- S No-1, provide information about Aadhaar Number/Identity Card and its Number. Any one of these Numbers is required to be given.
- S No-2: Fill your name exactly as given in Matriculation (10th Class) Certificate. In case, you have made any changes in your name after matriculation, indicate the same at S No-2c and 2d.
- S No-3: Fill your father’s name exactly as given in Matriculation (10th Class) Certificate.
- S No-4: Fill your mother’s name exactly as given in Matriculation (10th Class) Certificate.
- S No-5: Fill your date of birth exactly as given in Matriculation (10th Class) Certificate.
- S No-6: Matriculation (10th Class) Examination Details which include:
- i.Name of Education Board
- ii.Roll Number
- iii.Year of passing
- S No-7: Gender (Male/Female/Transgender)
- S No-8: Level of Educational Qualification (highest).
- S No-9: Your Mobile Number. This must be a working mobile number as it will be verified through ‘One Time Password’ (OTP). It may be noted that any information which the Staff Selection Commission/Delhi Police may like to communicate with you, will be sent on this mobile number only. Your mobile number will also be used for retrieval of password, if required.
- S No-10: Your Email ID. This must be a working Email ID as it will be verified through OTP. It may also be noted that any information which the Staff Selection Commission/Delhi Police may like to communicate with you, will be sent on this Email ID only. Your Email ID will also be used for retrieval of password/Registration Number, if required.
- l. Provide detail of State/UT of your Permanent Address.
- When the Basic Details provided at S No-1 to 10 are saved, you will be required to confirm your mobile number and email ID. On confirmation, your data will be saved and your Registration Number will be displayed on the screen. Your Registration Number and Password will be provided to you on your mobile number and Email ID.
- You have to complete the Registration Process within 14 days failing which your Registration Details saved so far will be deleted.
- Login using your Registration Number as username and auto generated password provided to you on your mobile and email. Change your password, when prompted on first login.
- After successful password change, you need to login again using your Registration Number and changed password. q On successful login, information about the ‘Basic Details’ so far filled by you will be displayed. You may edit it, if required or proceed further by clicking on ‘Next’ button at the bottom to complete your one-time Registration.
- S No-11: Provide information about your Category.
- S No-12: Provide information about your Nationality
- S No-13: Provide information about visible Identification Mark. You may be required to show the above Identification Mark at various stages of examination.
- S No-14: Provide information about disability, if any. Persons with Disabilities (PwD) (Locomotor), Locomotor disability of 40% and above (either one or both leg affected): Yes/No. Provide Disability Certification Number.
- S No: 15 to 18: Provide information about your Permanent and Present Address. Save the data and proceed further to last Part of the Registration Process.
- Save the information provided. Take draft printout and review the information provided thoroughly, before ‘Final Submit’.
- Read the ‘Declaration’ carefully, if you agree with the declaration, click ‘I Agree’.
- Upon clicking ‘Final Submit’ different OTPs will be sent on your mobile number and Email ID. You need to enter one of the two OTPs at designated field to complete the Registration Process.
- After submission of Basic information, if the registration process is not completed within 14 days, your data will be deleted from the system.
After completion of registration process, ‘Basic Details’ can be changed. However, it is advised to the candidates to be cautious while making one time registration.
You are again cautioned that name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, matriculation examination details should be filled exactly as recorded in matriculation certificate. Your candidature may get cancelled in case of incorrect/ wrong information.
Part-II (Online Application Form)
Before proceeding with filling of online application, keep the following data
- Recent scanned colour passport size photograph (not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination) in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB). Image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). The photograph should be without cap and spectacles. Applications with blurred photograph will be rejected. If the proper photograph is not uploaded by a candidate, his candidature will be cancelled. Specimen of photographs which are acceptable/not acceptable is given at Annexure-XVI.
- Scanned signature in JPEG format (10 to 20 KB). Image dimension of the signature should be about 4.0 cm (width) x 2.0 cm (height). Applications with illegible/blurred signature will be rejected.
- Details of qualifying educational qualification like passing year, roll number, percentage/CGPA, name of university, etc.
- Login to online system through your ‘Registration Number’ and password.
- Click ‘Apply’ link in ‘Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying & Contracts) Examination 2022’ Section under ‘Latest Notifications’ tab.
- Information in columns at S No-1 to 14 will be automatically filled from your Onetime Registration Data which is non-editable. However, if you want to modify any of One-Time Registration details, click on ‘Modify Registration’ tab provided at the left hand top corner of your dashboard and make suitable corrections before proceeding further
- S No-15: Give your preference for Examination Centers. You may choose
- examination Centers within the same Region. Choice for all the three Centers must be given in the order of preference.
- S No-16.1 to 16.6: If you are an ex-serviceman, fill up the required information. Wards of servicemen/ex-servicemen are not treated as exservicemen.
- S No-17.1 to 17.4: If you are eligible for availing the facility of scribe as per Para-10.1 and 10.2 of the Notice of examination, provide information about the requirement of scribe.
- S No-18.1 to 18.2: If you are seeking age relaxation, select appropriate age-relaxation category.
- S No-19: Select the post you wish to apply.
- S No-20: Provide information about the qualifying educational qualification.
- S No-21: Please see Notice of Examination, Para No: 20 and fill up accordingly.
- S No-22 & 23: Information about your Postal Address and Permanent Address will be automatically filled from the One-time Registration data.
- Upload your recent photograph (not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination) as specified at S. No. 1a above. Applications with blurred photograph will be rejected. Specimen of photographs acceptable/not acceptable is given at Annexure-XVI. Candidate may refer to the same.
- Upload your signature as specified at S. No. 1b above. Applications with blurred signature will be rejected.
- S. No. 25: The photograph uploaded above should not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination. Click ‘Yes’, if the photograph uploaded above is not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination.
- 16. Go through the declaration carefully and click on “I agree” check box, if you accept the same. Fill up captcha code.
- 17. Proceed to make fee payment if you are not exempted from payment of fee. Preview and verify the information provided by you. If you want to modify any entry, click on ‘Edit/Modify’ button and make requisite corrections before proceeding further. When you are satisfied that the information is correctly filled, preview and verify the information and submit the Application.
- Proceed to make fee payment if you are not exempted from payment of fee.
- Fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in cash at SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan.
- When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted 'Provisionally'. Candidates should take printout of the application form for their own records. Printout of the 'Application Form' is normally not required to be submitted to the Staff Selection Commission at any stage. However, you may be required to provide printout of the online application form to address grievances related to online application, if any.