Gujarat Land Survey Online Apply 2021: Instructions and procedure for applying online for land survey on the IORA portal, Candidates check Complete Processor for other important applications, For More Detail Read article given below.
Gujarat Land Survey Online Apply 2021 (IORA): Three types of measurement requests can be made from the IORA portal
- Measurement of extent
- Measurement of
- Stake measurement
- General
- Urgent
The applicant will have to make a separate measurement application for each survey number, but in case of share measurement and extent measurement, if there is Pania among the same survey numbers, the required number of numbers can be selected in a single application for measurement.
It is mandatory for the applicant’s name to be village sample number-7 to apply. The applicant for the measurement must be present in person at the time of the measurement to show possession of the place of his land, The applicant will have to remove the bushes in his field when the surveyor comes to measure.
D.S.O. The application fee will be refundable if there is any discrepancy between the record and the area of application. In case of discrepancy in revenue title, the liability will be personal to the applicant and in such case the applicant will be refundable.
Any other person claiming possession will obstruct or obstruct the measurement, and if the measurement cannot be done, the applicant will not be refunded the fee, re-paying the fee for re-application. In case of share measurement, the system generated affidavit has to be notarized and uploaded and in case of measurement, the system generated consent form has to be signed and uploaded only.
No need to upload a copy of Village Sample Nos. 7 and 8 to apply.
- If the possession is inverted while measuring the site.
- If the field is full of water and it is not possible to measure.
- If there is no access road to the farm.
- Crops that interfere with the measurement are standing in the field.
- If the applicant cannot show his direct possession at the place.
- Circumstances where peace / law and order are violated during the measurement process.
To apply for “Land Survey” online as follows / Jamin Mapani Online Arji at
For New Application you have to visit iora portal and go on Online Application Button.
The iora portal can be visited from here

After that you will see the form in which you will see the option “Araji No Hetu” or purpose of the application.
Select “Jamin Mapani Sambandhit Araji” in that box.

Then Enter other details and then enter OTP.
Then go on submit button.
After filling the details of the application, the application and affidavit should be printed, signed by the persons concerned, scanned and readable in readable quality.
After uploading the application, the measurement fee has to be paid online / NEFT. Receipt of payment must be generated from the portal after payment, otherwise the application will not be considered completed. : conducting land survey work online from iMojni.
Various revenue services are being made available online through the use of online services by the state government to enable the public to access services without direct contact with the employees through the use of technology in the state. With revenue services being online, the process has become faster, easier and more transparent.
The process of applying for measurement in the offices of the Land Registry Department was expeditious and the matter was under consideration by the Government to be carried out by the applicant without direct contact with the office. At the end of the adult deliberation, it has been decided by the Government to make one more Revenue Service “Land Survey Measurement, Share Measurement and Application for Surveying” online from the iORA portal.
In this regard, the matter was under consideration of the Government to circulate the following instructions to the applicant on the iORA portal as well as to the offices of the Land Registry Department to carry out the measurement work through imojni application. The following instruction is circulated with active consideration in this regard.
Applications for various measurements available on iORA portal should be made online only. The prescribed form for online application to the applicants will be generated from the system itself and the guidance will be available on the iORA portal.
Online application for measurement can also be made from the Gram Panchayat office at the rate fixed by the Panchayat Department.
If any applicant is inconvenienced in applying online, he can contact the help desk in the District Inspector Land Office and apply online with their help. For this, all the District Inspectors will have to assign one employee to help the applicants to facilitate the help desk in the office of the land office.
In the first phase, the application for measurement of extent, share measurement among the farmer account holders can be done online, then other types of measurement application will be done online in phases.
The applicant will have to apply for a separate measurement for each survey number, but in case of share measurement (Hissa Mapani) and extent measurement (Had Mapani), if there is only one survey number, the required number of numbers can be selected in a single application for measurement.
The priority of measurement will be of two types:
1) Simple measurement (Sadi Mapani) (which has to be disposed of within 30 days from the receipt of payment receipt)
2) Urgent measurement (which has to be disposed of within 30 days from the receipt of payment receipt)
if applicant has the possession in other survey number apart from mentioned in application, it will not be measured and the surveyor will work on it and upload it in the system. In such a case the measurement fee of the applicant will be forfeited and the measurement application will be rejected.
The fee for each application will be calculated by the system, and the fee will have to be paid online. After the measurement operation, a soft copy (scan copy) of the measurement sheet should be sent to the applicant by e-mail. For the first time in 30 days after sending the measurement sheet to the applicant by e-mail, a hard copy of the measurement sheet will have to be provided for the first time separately from the office of the District Inspector Land Office without charging any fee. After the time limit, the required copy fee has to be paid and a copy of the measurement sheet has to be provided.
The applicant will be digitally informed of the date fixed for the measurement and emailed and SMSed to the phone number mentioned in the application.
If due to unforeseen circumstances such as natural calamity, rain, court matter, medical emergency, any necessary administrative work or any other reason the surveyor cannot go on the date and time allotted for the measurement, the applicant must show cause in the software. The second date and time for the measurement will be informed by SMS / E-Mail and no additional fee will be charged from the applicant.
On the due date given for measurement, the applicant has to be present at the Gram Panchayat office with his photo identity card, where he has to contact the surveyor. If the applicant is not present at the Gram Panchayat office on the due date, the surveyor will have to be present at the Gram Panchayat office and wait for the applicant to come. Both the parties should coordinate telephonically if possible but if the Gram Panchayat office does not come / attend the applicant on the due date, the matter will be investigated by the applicant and the surveyor will upload it in the Panchrojakam system after that applicant will be notified through SMS and Email about cancellation of Mapani Process and the measurement fee will be forfeited.
Read Jamin Mapani Paripatra Here in Gujarati Language :
In Which Case Mapani application will be rejected and Fees will be forfeited ?
After the surveyor comes to the village for the measurement, if the measurement cannot be done due to the following reasons, the measurement fee will be forfeited and the measurement application will be rejected.
- If the possession is upside down while measuring the place.
- If the field is full of water and it is not possible to measure.
- If there is no access road to the farm.
- If there is crop standing in the field which is an obstacle in measuring e.g. If there is sugarcane, paddy and shrub undergrowth.
- If the applicant cannot show his direct possession at the place.
- Circumstances where peace / law and order are violated during the measurement process.
But in case the applicant has already obtained police protection and the surveyor has been successfully provided protection by the police, the measurement will have to be done. If the measurement is not possible despite police protection, it will have to be investigated.